Clayrton’s is deeply involved in the environmental concerns of its time.
In addition to French production, which has been maintained since 1968, the company has focused on the quality of its products since 2000 and has moved towards cleaner production. Far from being a brake on creativity, this requirement has strengthened Clayrton’s ability to innovate.
When it comes to packaging, kraft paper has seen tremendous growth in recent years. Clayrton’s offers a wide range of colors and designs, all printed on PEFC-certified paper, a label we obtained in 2009. We chose this label because
because it covers the most forest area in the world and is more established in the European sector.
The PEFC label was created to fight against deforestation and the destruction of forest ecosystems and thus allow a sustainable wood resource. By selecting the wood that will constitute the paper of our packaging, we commit ourselves to preserve the biodiversity of forest ecosystems and not to exhaust the resources of our planet. PEFC also acts to protect the economic and social aspects of local operators and owners as well as all
and local owners as well as all the actors of the wood industry.
In 2019, we have consumed the equivalent of 18 hectares of plantation to cover our needs for PEFC-certified paper, which represents 26 soccer fields: it was clear to us that all of this area must be exploited in a responsible and sustainable manner.
We received a shipment of 18 tons of PEFC-certified 70% recycled natural kraft in March 2023 (which represents a 2-month supply). This does not in any way compromise the PEFC certification of the products made from this material. Our next delivery of recycled natural kraft will be 100% PEFC-certified.
When it comes to packaging, kraft paper has seen tremendous growth in recent years. Clayrton’s offers a wide range of colors and designs, all printed on PEFC-certified paper, a label we obtained in 2009. We chose this label because
because it covers the most forest area in the world and is more established in the European sector.
The PEFC label was created to fight against deforestation and the destruction of forest ecosystems and thus allow a sustainable wood resource. By selecting the wood that will constitute the paper of our packaging, we commit ourselves to preserve the biodiversity of forest ecosystems and not to exhaust the resources of our planet. PEFC also acts to protect the economic and social aspects of local operators and owners as well as all
and local owners as well as all the actors of the wood industry.
In 2019, we have consumed the equivalent of 18 hectares of plantation to cover our needs for PEFC-certified paper, which represents 26 soccer fields: it was clear to us that all of this area must be exploited in a responsible and sustainable manner.
We would like to inform you that our PEFC certificate has been suspended from 27/9/2023 to 22/12/2023. Products manufactured during this period are not PEFC certified.

Water-based ink since 2007
By printing with water-based inks, Clayrton’s reduces its annual CO2 emissions by 18 tons, the equivalent of the annual mileage of its entire sales team.
Following the switch to water-based inks and thus the elimination of solvent products in the inks, the company has rethought its printing plant in a broader way and obtained the Imprim’vert label in 2011.
Guaranteed French origin from 2016
All the products printed, shaped and packaged in our factory are certified “Origine France Garantie”: polypropylene rolls, kraft rolls, cones, rosettes, paper bags with twisted handles, enough to pack your flowers in an ethical and responsible way. Only 600 companies are currently certified. Clayrton’s is one of the few companies in France to develop this label and is the only French floral packaging company to have it.
By keeping a French production, Clayrton’s perpetuates its industrial know-how
iso 50001 since 2019
The ISO 50 001 certification we have is dedicated to the rational use of energy.
of energy. In France, there were 770 companies certified ISO 50 001 in 2018.
Clayrton's produces and consumes its own electricity.
Thanks to the installation of 257 photovoltaic panels (475 m²) on its roof, Clayrton’s produces 89 000kwh every year.
This installation was realized with the financial support of :

+1500 km
of a car
19 households
2 tonnes of
CO² avoided
In our outdoor areas, we are currently promoting biodiversity and actively participating in the concept of “nature in the city”.
For this purpose, various arrangements have been made or planned:
Plantations of trees
Plantations Flowering plants melliferous
Nesting boxes for birds premises
Bat nesting boxes
Insect hotels
Clayrton’s is committed to developing its business in a sustainable manner and around strong values, which guarantee its durability.
It has placed CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility ) at the center of its strategy. Both internally and externally, social and societal commitment is an essential component of this approach. Employees are regularly involved in social and environmental actions.

Pedagogical in
Raising florists' awareness of sustainable development issues, welcoming apprentices, discovery tours of the plant and its trades...

Support for career paths
Ecole de la seconde chance, Inser'Croix actions in favor of the integration of young people and people over 55.

Environmental Awareness
At Clayrton's, we set up four beehives in 2011 that we manage ourselves. We harvest one honey crop per year for the enjoyment of our for our employees and customers.

Find out how Clayrton's is implementing its its CSR approach
At Clayrton’s we are passionate about nature.
Since the year 2000, we have taken actions in favor of the environment and we will continue to do so in the years to come.
In the interest of transparency, Clayrton’s has created a Corporate Social Responsibility Report:
Our eco-responsible certifications and labels,
Our manufacturing methods,
The way we think and re-think our products, as well as our eco-friendly products
All the actions we carry out within the company
The coding on our packaging and the environmental impact of the materials we use.
Clayrton’s tells you everything!